At the Apple event on Wednesday, Apple announced the next generation of Apple Watch: Apple Watch Series 2. Series 2 includes improvements to the previous Apple Watch Series 1. It has a built in GPS, Water Resistance for up to 50 Meters and much more. The faster processor The Apple Watch Series 2 is powered by the Apple S2 chip. It is a dual core chip that includes a GPU that is twice as fast as the original Apple Watch. The dual core chip makes the Apple Watch Series 2 a snappy watch. Built in GPS With a built in GPS, Apple Watch can track distance, speed and pace while you're walking, running or cycling outdoors. You don't have to wait for it to pick up the signal, as it does it right away. After your workout, you can see the map of your workout on the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. This leads to the Apple Watch becoming more independent. Water Resistant Apple Watch Series 2 is rated water resistant 50 Meters. As a result of which, you ca...