My app, called Lo|Hi, just received it's biggest update yet. What is Lo|Hi? Lo|Hi is a number guessing game. The computer thinks of a number from 1-1000, and you guess the number. The highlight mode of the game is the Lie mode where the computer can lie to you. Lo|Hi 3 Lo|Hi 3 is the first massive update to Lo|Hi. It improves upon old features and adds new ones. Mode Selector on iPhone We had 2 goals in mind while creating Lo|Hi 3, one was ease of use and the other was that it should be less complicated as compared with the previous versions of Lo|Hi. The Mode Selector adds convenience and removes confusion from the user. The user knows exactly what he/she is going to dive into and start playing! Personalization We want Lo|Hi to suit your preferences . We do not want you to be stuck with what we give. You can have your own Lo|Hi with Lo|Hi 3. We give you the...