Apple has finally launched the iPhone SE, here in India. Although it is a budget phone in the US, it starts at Rs. 39,000 for 16GB. It costs Rs.49,000 for the 64GB variant.
The 9.7 inch iPad Pro is also available in India. It also starts with a base configuration of 32GB for Rs.49,900. For 128 GB, it costs Rs. 61,900 and Rs. 73900 for 256GB. It also comes in a Cellular model which starts at Rs 61,900.
Read about the iPad Pro and the iPhone SE: iPad Pro, iPhone SE.
Find to more at Apple's websites:
The 9.7 inch iPad Pro is also available in India. It also starts with a base configuration of 32GB for Rs.49,900. For 128 GB, it costs Rs. 61,900 and Rs. 73900 for 256GB. It also comes in a Cellular model which starts at Rs 61,900.
Read about the iPad Pro and the iPhone SE: iPad Pro, iPhone SE.
Find to more at Apple's websites:
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