Charge your device faster!
In an emergency, you might want to charge your iPhone in 10 or 20 minutes. In such scenarios, you might want to do a few things. This will result in your iPhone charging faster.
Turn on Airplane Mode
Airplane mode disables Wi-Fi and Bluetooth preventing your iPhone from connecting to the internet or connecting with nearby devices. This also disables the cellular networks on your device. The iPhone will charge a bit faster.
Methods -
- Slide up control center and enable Airplane Mode.
- Settings > Airplane Mode (Toggle On)
Turn the device off.
If that didn't help you, you might want to turn the entire device off. This will help the iPhone charge a lot faster as it isn't using the battery while it's charging. Hold the power button until 'Slide to Power Off' appears.
Enjoy Marathon Week!
Up Next: Rumor Time: iPhone 7
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